Devern Flemings

Service Projects Director

Devern Fleming was born in Staten Island, New York to an Anguillian father and a St. Martinian mother. Devern made it a habit, starting at an early age, of helping others. Befriending children in school that the other children deemed unworthy, assisting strangers that needed help while others ignored them.

This yearning to help others hit home when his mother became ill with Lupus his freshman year of college. She was bedridden due to a stroke and Devern withdrew from each semester to stay home with her.

After starting a family of his own, he encouraged his children to also think of others first. It wasn’t until he met his wife Amber that he felt he truly found his soulmate in philanthropy. As a family, they have lent their support to many local charitable organizations, as well as putting together relief efforts of their own.

Devern and his wife Amber along with their 2 youngest children moved to Anguilla to raise their children in a safe and peaceful environment while exposing them to their ancestral heritage.

Rotary Member: Since June 20th 2020
