Jasmine Connor

Jasmine Connor an Entrepreneur owning and operating A and A Trucking Services, now a proud member of the Rotary Club of Anguilla. Prior to becoming a Rotarian Ms. Connor enjoyed a 15 ½ year career as a certified Paralegal, she also holds a Diploma in Hospitality Industry from the University of Suny Cobleskill and went on to obtain a Degree with specific emphasis placed on communication skills and structure within the workplace.

Ms. Connor was a member of Cohort 1 having successfully obtained a Certificate from the Comprehensive Learning Centre in the area of Leadership training and implementation within the Social, Political or Workplace areas. She is actively involved in her community and in the happenings of Anguilla, Ms. Connor has served as the President of the Peace Drive Group and is a licensed Ham Radio Operator currently serving as Secretary for the Anguilla Amateur Radio Association where she volunteers her time to all during times of Natural disasters and the like; she is also actively the Secretary of the Zion Adventures.

Rotary Member: Since June 20th 2020
